Maximizing the use of the store operation system
The UNI-7 can be equipped with a browser function, allowing data such as recipes and allergy information to be downloaded from the Web when using a Host System. The information can be also printed out. In addition, an e-mail function is available, allowing order to be placed directly from your store to the warehouse or production site.
East To Use, Simple To Program
Available integration into back office systems to simplify pricing changes, ads, and updates.
Increasing sales through cross merchandising
The compact, low-profile UNI-7 uses a front cassette loading method, freeing up more counter space for displaying related products and making it easier to replace labels. Cross merchandising becomes more effective when using coupon labels.

Speedy operations
You can pull in more customers by inviting popular tenants or setting up stimulating store environments, because the UNI-7 can issue receipts as well as labels. With a quick automatic cutter (available for the elevator type) equipped with a receipt fall prevention function, the UNI-7 supports your speedy operations.
Multiple Languages Available
With the UNI-7, you can pre-select one of five languages listed on the selection screen. In the parameter settings, you can also select two languages to be printed at the same time, providing your customers with easy-to-follow displays and printing.
Visualizing Food Safety and Security
The UNI-7 memory can be expanded up to 2GB,allowing you to appeal to your customers with visual information such as logos, messages, and data on traceability, ingredients and nutrition, which will be printed on labels. The UNI-7 is a tool that strengthens the credibility of your stores.

Versatile Variation
The UNI-7 allows seven type of configuration, meeting the various customers' needs.
